to the Offical Mineral County Home Page. Mineral County is located
in Western Montana near Idaho between Missoula, Montana and Spokane Washington.
Mineral County is full of opportunity. The people are friendly and the
climate is mild. There are several separate,
but intertwined communities within the county: The West End (Haugan, Saltese,
DeBorgia), St. Regis, Superior and Alberton. The county contains 1,223
square miles and a population of ~3,600. The majority of the land surface
is contained within the Lolo National
Forest and located through a narrow valley separated by the Clark
Fork and St. Regis Rivers. The Clark Fork River carries more water than
any other river in Montana. The entire county is heavily forested with
ponderosa pine (the state tree), lodge pole pine, fir, larch, white pine
and cedar. The area is high in minerals and contains many unpatented mining
claims. Mineral County became an independent county in 1914, with Superior
as the County seat, and boasts a lively history before and since. It has
hosted a gold rush, seen the building of two transcontinental railroads,
experienced the trauma of the 1910 fire, and witnessed the destruction
of several floods of the St. Regis and Clark Fork Rivers, as well as being
the home to many Civilian Conservation Corps workers during the Great
Depression. The historic John Mullan
Road was built here in 1859-60 and the Yellowstone Trail in 1917. This site is designed and maintained
by Delphin Systems.
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